How the Lazy Man’s Way to Riches Sold Over 3 Million Copies

The fiercest psychological trigger

Mohammed Nadir
The Startup


Dozens of books hanging from the ceiling.
Image via Negative Space on Pexels

In 1973, Joe Karbo self-published his famous book the Lazy Man’s Way to Riches. The book sold over 3 million copies. It became one of the most successful self-help books ever sold.

The classic self-development book also contained direct marketing techniques to make money the Lazy Man’s Way. Some say that it looks very amateurish and can be easily dismissed as a marketing scam. Others swear that it brought them riches more than they ever dreamed they could have.

But that’s irrelevant. I’m not here to discuss the quality of the book or review it. I didn’t even read the book.

I’m here to break down how Joe Karbo was able to do it. How the Lazy Man’s Way to Riches sold over 3 million copies. How to implement the fierce psychological trigger he used to sell this book to millions. So you could learn how to implement this and sell like Karbo.

What you have to offer doesn’t have to be a book to implement this, it can almost be any product or service.

How to Craft a Million Dollar Offer

You may have heard of the guy, or you may have not. After all, he died almost four decades ago.



Mohammed Nadir
The Startup

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