How Lean Startup Principles Can Make You More Productive Without Burning Out

Work more efficiently—without sacrificing time for rest.

Adebayo Ijidakinro
The Startup


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

As entrepreneurs, we have a tendency to feel we need to work all the time. There’s always something that needs to be done. When we rest, our mind gravitates towards all that has yet to be accomplished. We begin to feel the stress of our overwhelming workload. In response to this, we stop resting, and we start working again. It’s a never-ending cycle that leads to burnout.

But is this always-on mentality good for your startup? Is the path to success only traveled by those who always work and don’t rest?

How can applying Lean Startup principles help us to be productive without burning out?

Applying Lean Startup principles helps you focus on the right work

In a startup, knowing what to work on, and when to work on what, is important. Why? Because it’s very easy to work on aspects of your business that are a complete waste of time. Lean Startup principles are based on the goal of eliminating waste. Waste of time. Waste of energy. Waste of development. In The Lean Startup, author Eric Reis explains how he did not always have the eliminate waste mentality. His initial mindset with his…



Adebayo Ijidakinro
The Startup

I’m a 10+ year iOS Developer whose worked with 6 startups. This past year I released 6 iOS and web apps. Follow me and learn how to make your Startup a success.