How Many Hours Should Your Startup Team Work?

brett fox
The Startup
Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2021


Every year, one of my VC investors would hold a “CEO Summit.” All the of the portfolio company CEOs would gather to network and listen to presentations from various people.

Picture: Depositphotos

The final speaker on the final day was always Jack Dorsey of Square and Twitter fame. Dorsey would walk on stage, without any notes or slides, and he would start extemporaneously speaking.

To be honest, I always found Dorsey’s speeches boring and rambling. Maybe it was the lack of slides. I don’t know.

One year, in one of Dorsey’s rambling speeches that seemed to go nowhere, he said something that made me sit straight up and pay attention. Dorsey said, “I work 16 hours a day.”

Dorsey seemed to be urging all of us, and our teams, to work 16 hours day too. Quite honestly, I thought Dorsey was full of it.

I was working hard enough. Yeah, there were days that I did work 16 hours, but there were days when I worked 8 hours too. And, perish the thought, I actually took vacations.

I noticed something when I worked too many 16 hour days in a row. My productivity went way down.

Do you really think forcing your team to work 16 hours a day is going to produce great results?



brett fox
The Startup

I work with startup CEOs to help them grow their businesses . I built several businesses from $0 to >$100M. Learn more at