How My 5-Minute Social Media Strategy Attracts High-Paying Clients

This minimalist approach pays off

Stephanie Thurrott
The Startup


Phone screen showing icons for social media sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Tumblr, and Pinterest.
A simple social media strategy can be powerful (Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay)

I have 36 followers on Twitter. I’ve gone three months between posts on Instagram. I only friend people on Facebook who I know in real life. Honestly, the social space where I’m most active is probably Words With Friends.

But I use a simple social media strategy to attract readers and clients, and it works. The best part? It takes less than five minutes a day.

Keeping my time on social to a minimum is important to me. I don’t have unlimited time to spend posting updates. Along with writing, I like to walk my dog, ride my bike, and spend time with my family. Plus, I need time to eat, sleep, and binge-watch The Servant. That doesn’t leave tons of time for social.

And the social sites are engineered to suck you in and keep you there. I can pop onto Facebook to post something quickly, and of course, I’ll take a quick scroll through my feed to see what’s going on. I go after that dopamine hit like Mark Zuckerberg wants me to.

Your social strategy doesn’t need to be complicated

When I publish an article for a client like NBC Today or Banner Health, or on this platform, I share it in two places — Facebook and LinkedIn.



Stephanie Thurrott
The Startup

I write stories that make our lives better. I learn something with everything I write, and I hope you do too. Get my newsletter: