How to Not Be Befuddled by Japanese Design

When everything you know about typography is wrong.

Lucy King
The Startup


Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo ©SeanPavonePhoto

Japan is famous for its Zen Buddhist aesthetics. People come with certain expectations. They expect to find tranquil gardens, serene temples, and exquisite calligraphy.

The truth is “Japan perfect” is a myth.

Modern day Japan is a cacophony of sights and sounds, complete with glittering neon lights, haphazard architecture, snarled power lines, and people everywhere.

To appreciate the real Japan, you need to focus on identifying pockets of beauty. Through the frenzied haze of umbrellas, shopping bicycles, and ubiquitous vending machines, you can find beauty and order.

The same principle applies to Japanese typography design. Written Japanese befuddles many Westerners. But once you acclimatize, your mind opens to new possibilities.

The cluttered look of menus, websites, newspapers, and magazines takes some getting used to. But I assure you there is method to the madness of Japanese type design.

nicola (ニコラ) 2012年 10月号 [雑誌] (left) / Doshin Sports Newspaper (道新スポーツ) (right)

Typography is the art of arranging type

