How NOT to Use Instagram Hashtags

Mike Speer
The Startup
Published in
5 min readSep 10, 2019


How do you decide on what hashtags to use for your Instagram posts? Do you go for the tags that are the most popular or do you go for ones that are a bit more niche? Do you use whatever first pops into your head (or the search bar)?

Believe it or not, there is actually a wrong way to tag your Instagram posts. Not all tags are created equal, and the wrong ones used in the wrong way could prevent your content from being discovered. It could even get you penalized by the Instagram algorithm.

So, the next time you log on to Instagram to post your #MondayMotivation, watch out for these 5 most common IG hashtag mistakes:

1. Don’t Use the Same Hashtags for Every Post

Instagrammers who use the same hashtags for each image they post are automatically penalized by IG’s algorithm. When you think about it, this is a logical move from Instagram’s perspective. Choosing the exact same hashtags for each piece of content you post is a strong indicator that you are not putting much thought or effort into the content you post. Instagram, of course, wants to push the most valuable content to their users, so they’ll prioritize content from creators who accurately and thoughtfully use hashtags, rather than spamming the same few tags.

There are countless hashtags for every topic imaginable. There’s no excuse for using the same generic tags for every post.



Mike Speer
The Startup

An Entrepreneur since before the average person knew what that even meant. Let’s discuss how I can help with your organization’s biggest challenges.