How Becoming An Entrepreneur Affects Your Emotional State

At the age of 17, I decided to hit a reset button on my life.

Vadim Lidich
The Startup


Do you know the definition of insanity?

Now, before you jump out and say it, let me tell you a story.

I was 17 when I decided to move to a different continent. My family and I were contemplating it for a while, and once school ended, I hopped on a plane and came to Canada. Alone. I went through College like a fat person would go through a bag of Doritos. And I never looked back.

While there, I landed a pretty prestigious gig in the investment world, something that guys back home could only see in “Wolf of Wall Street” kind of movies. My parents were proud. My life was set. I had a clear understanding of the steps I needed to take to get to the next level… and then it all changed.

I became an entrepreneur.

Well, nobody really “becomes an entrepreneur”. It’s not like you go through some sort of a mutation experiment, where evil doctor injects a substance in your body that wipes your memory clean and makes you practically invincible to the damage from the outside world, if the experiment goes well.



Vadim Lidich
The Startup

Serial Entrepreneur, Product Architect, Advisor & Investor. Democratizing Access to Justice at Treating Medium like Twitter with no character limit.