How Social Media Influencers Indoctrinate Their Followers

A cautionary tale when following these manipulative social media accounts.

Thom Gallet
The Startup


© maridav / Adobe Stock

Vapid, shallow, and without expertise, social media influencers are an unstable pillar of our online society. And unfortunately, these influencers continue to impact our mental health in staggering ways.

As a quick disclaimer, when I reference influencers, I don’t mean everyone over a certain follower count. Many people who make their living on social media are talented, incredible artists and can add a lot of value to our lives. These people separate themselves from other influencers with their expertise, not their followers.

Think of it like, if you remove a talented illustrators’ fans, they can still design amazing images. Their following may be gone, but their value remains.

If you remove an influencers following, however, they become just another person in society. By the very nature of their terminology, influencers need an audience to influence.

Because of this, an influencers’ entire life depends on whether or not people buy into their brand. The more devoted a fan is to an influencer, the more job security that influencer has.



Thom Gallet
The Startup

Writing optimistic unsolicited advice and opinions.