How Storytelling Helps You Heal

On trauma, vulnerability and writing

Zita Fontaine
The Startup


Image licensed from Canva

I have quite a story — whether I tell it or not, it’s a story that shapes my personality, my whole existence, it made me evolve into the present version of myself.

I wish it was easier. I wish I had a regular boring life with tons of first world problems to worry about. I wish my biggest problem was to choose a matching wallpaper for my carpet. I wish my only frustration was that the taxi company couldn’t send a car and I had to call another company. I wish my anxiety was only fuelled by the piano performance of my daughter.

It’s a lot more than that.

I have a heartbreaking story that can resemble a soap opera from some aspect — love, loss, grief, divorce, big love, abuse, abortion, PTSD, heartbreak, revenge porn, abuse, abuse, abuse, healing, depression, loneliness. It’s a success story, but I don’t see yet the happy ending. It is a lot to take in, it is a lot to process and deal with.

My difficulties are not unique. My life story might be unique — but you must have seen parts of it here and there. We have the same patterns, the same story elements, the same events to deal with — the only unique thing is the combination of it and how we choose to deal with it, how we manage to deal with life when it’s tough.



Zita Fontaine
The Startup

Writer. Dreamer. Hopeless romantic. Newsletter: Email me: zitafontaine (at) gmail