How SwBin, A Reformed Solution for Decentralized Advertisement is Benefiting Swachh Token Revenue

The Startup
Published in
4 min readJul 11, 2018

21st century has seen a massive boom in digital marketing. According to conservative estimates, the market cap of digital marketing hovers in multi-hundred billion dollar, if not trillion. However, most of this marketing share has been concentrated in various social media and dedicated marketing website. Some of the worlds biggest companies like Facebook, Google, have most of their revenue coming in from digital marketing. There is no doubt that digital marketing today has massive use case and its market cap is only expected to shoot up in the coming days.

Swachhcoin is a revolutionary solution for global waste management which aims to turn everyday food, household and industrial waste into reusable resources such as fuel, energy and reusable materials.

As a result, it plans on creating new economies out of existing models while also providing incentives to those who contribute with disposing of their waste responsibly.

While the waste will be turned into reusable resources through Swachhcoin’s state of the art waste processing unit that consists of various systems to process each segment of provided waste effectively, the star of the whole operation gets to be the SwBin, the specialized mobile waste disposal unit that has integrated IoT sensors along with LED panels involving the functions of tracking and maintenance for the collected waste as well as the unit itself.

The location of SwBins will be trackable by interested users through the usage of Swachhcoin’s native mobile apps, and will allow them to earn incentives in the network’s native Swachh Tokens just by the simple action of disposing of their waste using the SwBin. A reference flow-chart of this incentivization protocol is provided below.

While providing next generation waste management and incentivization solutions through an equipment as advanced as SwBin does not come cheap, Swachhcoin ensures that it has a sustainable model of operations in place so the placement of SwBins does not get hindered by extensive costs in the future.

In order to make this happen, Swachhcoin allows users to “lease” the LED space on the SwBins for product placements and advertisements, for which the payment is made to the network in Swachh Tokens. Since the SwBins will be placed on strategic public locations for maximum visibility, any advertisement running through them will also be viewable to a large audience (you can think of this as a futuristic billboard).

This further adds to the autonomous model of the Swachhcoin ecosystem and the SwBin’s sustainability, since by having its LED panels open for business, each SwBin could pay for itself. Needless to say, this also makes the process of incentivizing easier for those users who are entitled to and expect remuneration in return of their responsible waste management activities, since the network will not have to pay out of pocket to the point of going in losses for its basic business model.

Overall, this concept of having special equipment being able to earn not just for its own sustainability but for new units of its kind adds to the long-term viability of the project. The model does not only remain lucrative on paper but makes logical sense when applied to a real-world setting.

The SwBins will be launched and become available for usage once the Swachhcoin network has completed its development activities following its crowdsale.

Swachhcoin is done with its Pre-sale event which ended on June 29, 2018. Afterward, it will continue with its Early Adopter Sale event, which will be held between July 16 — July 31, 2018, and final ICO from August 15— September 18, 2018, respectively.

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The Startup

Aiming to implement & validate a system integrated w/ blockchain providing a robust, sustainable and efficient solution to revolutionise the waste management.