How The Freelance Community Can Save Your Business

David Howell
The Startup
Published in
6 min readApr 13, 2020


How The Freelance Community Can Save Your Business

With COVID-19 having a massive impact on businesses, keeping your enterprise running to ensure your company survives the crisis means having the right skills available today. The freelance community is ready and waiting to help your business through the crisis and beyond.

As the world moves to remote working, many business owners are thinking about how to keep their enterprises running today and, how they will organise their workforces once the COVID-19 crisis has passed.

Freelancers, contractors and other forms of contingent workers have become a part of the business landscape. However, as the current crisis evolves, businesses have the chance to place themselves on a steady foundation by forging relationships with the army of freelance talent that is available today.

I have been running my writing business for the past 25 years. For many in my situation, it’s business as usual. Already home-based, set-up to support clients and customers with zero learning curve, home-based freelancers could help every business survive the crisis and then mitigate any future incidents.

The scramble to put in place support networks for office workers forced to work at home continues. However, savvy business owners can call on the five million UK freelancers to support their business with no…



David Howell
The Startup

David Howell is the Editor-in-Chief of Silicon UK. He is also a freelance writer, journalist, broadcaster and content creator helping enterprises communicate.