This is How You Can Transform Your Self-Image & Trigger Massive Action

Som Bathla
The Startup
Published in
4 min readJun 6, 2018


“A strong positive self image is the best possible preparation for success in life”

~ Dr. Joyce Brothers

The key objective of getting motivated is to put yourself to action and thus generate results. But we have variety of thoughts running in our heads that rule our inner game and thus decide whether we take action or just sit idle doing nothing.

Then how can one remain in the state of constant motivation, so we can consistently perform at our best?

It requires moment to moment observation of your thought process and mastering your mental game, if you want to get into the state of continuous motivation and thus directing your behavior and actions towards your goals.

Lanny Bassham in his book With Winning At Mind explains that the entire mental game comprises of 3 elements as stated below:

1. Our Conscious mind, which focuses on our thoughts.

2. Our Sub-conscious mind is responsible for our physical performance.

3. Our Self- image is what that ultimately drives our performance.

The fact of the matter is that it’s your Self-Image that “makes you perform like you.” Your self-image always keeps you within your comfort zone.

If you are below your zone, Self-Image makes you uncomfortable and turns up your power until you are within the zone.

Likewise, if you are above your zone, the Self-Image will reduce your energy and power, dropping you back within your zone.

As long as you “perform like you,” the Self-Image does not interfere. Therefore, to change your performance, you must change your Self-Image and expand your comfort zone.

Controlling and thus change in your Self-Image may be the most important skill you will ever learn. You can change any attitude you do not like.

The crux is that when the Self-Image changes, performance changes.

How do you change your Self Image?

Fortunately, there is a simple technique to change your Self-Image and it’s called “Imprinting”.

Whatever image you have of yourself as of now, has formed by years of imprinting on your mind through your surrounding environment. If you want to create a fresh and desired self-image of yourself, it requires another form of imprinting.

Instead of allowing the imprinting to happen through your environment, you have to consciously choose the kind of imprinting you want to have on your mind.

Let’s compare reshaping you self-image to changing your physical body. If you wish to achieve a goal of losing fats or gaining muscles, you need to follow a specific regime or exercise and diets. You can’t just eat anything and can’t ignore your exercise program.

Same is the case with mental reshaping. You can’t allow any kind of thought just to enter your mind and you would not simply stay in your comfort zone and expect the changes on its own.

You have to consciously choose your thoughts, consistently expose your mind to newer way of thinking, and regularly expose yourself to the new environment. If you do it enough, very soon you will start seeing and feeling differently about yourself. That way you will internalize a new self-image of yourself.

With a new self-image of yourself, you’ll think of yourself as a different person; as a person who can achieve the goals. Finally, once you are able to change your self-image as someone, who can overcome any obstacles, it ensures that there is no inner conflict within you — and then you start performing at your highest levels and reach your goals faster.

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Som Bathla
The Startup

Author of 20+ Books | #11 in Amazon Business Authors | Sold 100,000+ copies | I help people write & publish books & boost Income and Impact: