How to A/B Test Your Cover Design

Fail your way to success and reach more people with your writing

Preston Park, J.D.
The Startup
Published in
5 min readMay 7, 2020


Man in striped shirt looking at documents tacked to wall.
Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels / CC0

Your cover design has one job, to get your potential readers to pick your book up off of the shelf. A/B Testing is one of the simplest and most valuable tools that you can have in your toolbox to answer critical marketing questions like, “Which book cover will my readers pick up more often.” How much time, effort, and energy you spend on it will depend on the cost and the impact the item you are testing will have on your bottom line.

You could run a Twitter poll to find out which cover your followers like, but do your followers make up an accurate cross section of your readers? An A/B test specifically targets potential customers.

It is not enough to only ask an expert

You should start by asking the opinions of experts and friends, but those can only get you so far. I like freckles. If you ask my opinion on a model with freckles versus one without, chances are I will pick the freckles. However, there are some markets with people who think freckles are ugly.



Preston Park, J.D.
The Startup

Preston has over 20 years of experience in software and business intelligence. Now he helps entrepreneurs find their profit-boosting value propositions.