How To Achieve More of Your Plans

Zooming in can help you realize more of your plans.

Jude King, PhD
The Startup


Photo by Med Badr Chemmaoui on Unsplash

You may have heard the old proverb “Want to make God laugh? Show Him your plans.” It's a nod to the well-known fact that the future often unfolds very differently to how we envisage or plan it.

We, almost certainly, all know the experience of something that didn’t go as planned. Project hampered by unforeseen problems and delays, exceeding time and cost budget several-folds, and never delivering the expected result.

But here is the kicker: Many times when our plans don’t work out, it’s not because we fall on some unexpected curveball, it’s due to an error of how our minds processes information. In this case, the difference in how we perceive the present compared to how we perceive the future.

In other words, the future not playing out as we planned is often a fault of how we think — how we imagine the future versus the present.

If you find yourself not being able to follow through on your commitments or hop from one project to another, or the future always unfolding radically different from your plans, this might be why.

The Near And Far View

Plans or goals are, by definition, for as a yet-unlived future. But that’s also the problem…



Jude King, PhD
The Startup

Research Scientist | Entrepreneur | Teacher | Engineer driven by a deep curiosity about everything.