How to Apply a Patch in Drupal Using Composer

In this tutorial, I’m going to explain how easy it is to patch a module.

Sergio Guardiola Herrador
The Startup


Sometimes, when we use a contrib module in Drupal, we encounter a bug. Chances are that someone has already fixed it and contributed a patch to the Drupal community.

First, let’s assume our site root folder is /var/www/public/drupal_site.

This example will patch the module Scroll to destination anchors (

These are the steps to apply a patch to a module using Composer:

Add the module with Composer

To download the module to our site, all we have to do is run this command in a terminal while being in the site root folder:

composer require drupal/scroll_to_destination_anchors

This command will download the module to /var/www/public/drupal_site/modules or /var/www/public/drupal_site/modules/contrib (if we have created this directory, which is recommended).

Find a patch

Finding a patch for the module is easy. It can be done from the module page (see example link above). There’s a column that says: “Issues for XXX”, in my example case…



Sergio Guardiola Herrador
The Startup

I write articles in English and Spanish, mostly about programming, technology, travel, money, investing. You can find me here: