How to Be a Great Leader Every Day

18 Simple Ways to Build Your Leadership Muscles

Jake Wilder
The Startup


Photo by J W on Unsplash

“Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less,” wrote John Maxwell. When most people think of leadership, they think of someone running a major organization or spearheading a social movement. When they hear the word leader, they think of people in the spotlight.

We need to get rid of this definition. It’s wrong. It perpetuates the myth that leadership is reserved for a select few.

If leadership is influence, then everyone has the opportunity to lead. Maybe you don’t (yet) run a Fortune 500 company. But you do have the opportunity to influence others every day of your life.

No one is ever born a leader. Winston Churchill wasn’t born making great speeches and courageous decisions. He developed those skills over a lifetime of everyday actions.

Everyone has this opportunity. It’s the actions that we take every day, out of the spotlight, that determine how we’ll respond when those big moments do come up.

When you see a great leader, you’re seeing the product of thousands of minor decisions. It’s those everyday moments and decisions, compounded through consistency, which make a great leader.



Jake Wilder
The Startup

I don’t know where I’m going. But at least I know how to get there.