How To Be A Leader — For Someone Who Hasn’t Been A Leader Before.

Or even someone who has.

Tim Denning
The Startup
Published in
8 min readMar 4, 2019


Image Credit: 300 Movie/Warner Bros

Imagine your life as two levels.

Level One: Follow

Level Two: Lead

Leadership can seem as though a person must be born with the wings of an angel. It can seem out of reach, difficult and not worth pursuing. I thought this once too. Becoming a leader was the last thing on my mind. It seemed pointless.

Then, in a moment that resembles the unveiling of a Picasso painting for the very first time, I saw the truth: leadership is obtainable. You don’t have to have any experience or be born with a god-like sense of likability.

I was always a follower in my career. Then, level two became interesting. Was it really that hard? Could a novice play the game and find the secret to winning?

During that Picasso moment, someone I admired told me how they became a leader. It wasn’t what I expected. They became a leader by first understanding this core principle that unlocks everything else about leadership.

That core principle is this: leadership is serving others before yourself.

This principle was somewhat revolutionary to a kid born in the Kangaroo Country of Australia, mate. If that…



Tim Denning
The Startup

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