How to Be Passively Productive

The secret to productivity, minus the effort

The Startup


In this modern day and age, we’re all aggresively seeking ways to best maximize our efficiency.

Whether it’s downloading project-management programs like Asana, creating a more optimized schedule, or time-tracking various tasks, we’re all guilty of trying a little harder to save time and exaggerate accomplishments.

We can learn a little something from Plato about what’s going on here —

“All things will be [superior] when each man works…without meddling with anything else.”

Believe it or not, most of us worry so much about outlining and strategizing tasks rather than doing them.

I recall that moment where I was set off with an adrenaline rush and motivational push, took out the 700 highlighters and post-it notes from the drawers and started planning my life (for the fifth time that month).

In most cases, what ends up happening is that we fall into exhaustive hours of analyzing and planning that we could’ve very well exchanged for action.

Sound familiar?

If not, think about the many times you’ve tried to plan something that didn’t work out.



The Startup

Seeking life’s truth, one article at a time — Mom of 3 — 5X Top Writer