How To Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You

Lucy King
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJan 3, 2019


Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You ©Crazymedia

You think you aren’t good enough, but YOU ARE. You think you can’t do it, but YOU CAN. You think it’s too late, but IT’S NOT.

Here’s 3 ways you can be so good they look stupid doubting you.

1. Be unstoppable
2. Be your own standard
3. Be a lifelong learner

Let’s unpack these one by one.

1) Be unstoppable

You are more capable than you realize — much more in fact.

For example, I hardly spoke Japanese in my early 20s. Yet, my ambition was to move to Japan, learn the language, and work as a designer.

What on earth is Lucy thinking? She’s too old to learn a second language! How can she find a job without Japanese skills? She doesn’t have a CV much less a Design Portfolio!

Did I let anyone dampen my aspirations?
No, I did not. As soon as I graduated, I jetted off on a crazy, big adventure to the land of the rising sun.

Did I learn Japanese as fast as I expected.
No, I did not. I imagined I would soak up the language like a human sponge. Did it happen? Nope.

Did I find work as a designer right away?
No, I did not. I worked as an English…

