How to Be Someone Worth Following

Even if you’re not in charge.

Max Klein
The Startup


Photo Credit: OPLJA on Shutterstock

Great leadership is in short supply nowadays according to Harvard Business Review. Even institutions typically revered for leadership ability like the U.S. Army are having some serious systemic leadership failures.

It’s estimated that poor leadership can cost companies millions of dollars and reduce their productivity easily 10%.

So good leaders are needed today more than ever. If you can be one, you’ll have a great advantage in your career.

But you don’t have to wait until you are in an official leadership role to lead. The best leaders aren’t necessarily the ones in charge. Leader is more of a state of mind than a title.

I’ve been in various military, corporate, and volunteer leadership positions for 25 years and have found that leaders aren’t always the ones in charge. But they are always the people who are most respected by those around them.

Anyone can be a leader regardless of their title.

Here’s how.

1. Take responsibility for what happens around you

I remember once I was driving a Hummer down a highway with a senior Marine. We spotted a piece of tire debris in the road. Rather than just dodge it…

