How to be Sure that You will Succeed at Anything

Sean P. Durham
The Startup
Published in
9 min readJun 29, 2019


Being sure about success and succeeding in anything is like trying to look into the future, you just can’t predict anything about it. But it is always coming at you, everyday, every minute.

Better, if you really want to be sure that you will succeed at anything you do you must look inside of yourself and get that right.

What do I mean by “get that right” ?

It’s all about yourself and how you look at the world, how your point of view puts you into a mindset that causes actions.

Your actions can be broken down into elements of intentions.

If you wake up in the morning and let your sleepiness guide you to the kitchen, drink a coffee, look out the window and then start thinking about stuff that you need to accomplish that day, you should ask yourself the question; Am I planning, or am I worrying about my day?

Are you in control of your thinking?

Your worries will take you down all sorts of rocky paths that don’t lead to anything good.

Your ability to stop and plan will guide you along a pathway that you know is going in the right direction.

