How to Boost Your Entrepreneurial Confidence—Even Before You Succeed

The product is not always the king.

Anurag Kanoria
The Startup


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

How often have you seen a meteoric rise of a startup and thought the reason was “They had a good product”?

But like most things in life, there is more to the success of a startup than meets the eye. Yes, a unique,problem-solving product plays a vital role in the company’s growth but it is not the only determining factor.

You can even succeed without having an original idea. There will always be an alternative of some sort to your product and investors and customers won’t have any reason to not go with the competition. For every McDonald’s, there is a Burger King. You have to provide them with a reason.

The first Harry Potter book was turned down 12 times before Bloomsbury agreed to publish it. Jeff Bezos had to take 60 meetings to raise $1 million in funding.

Entrepreneurs have to sell themselves first before they sell their products.

Entrepreneurial boldness means the willingness to take risks and initiatives. It’s a byproduct of self-confidence and courage. When you exude confidence, you show the world that you know what you’re doing.



Anurag Kanoria
The Startup

I blog about tech, programming, and self-improvement. I am a web developer and music junkie. Top writer in Technology.