How to Build a Crisis-Proof Brand

Weather the Coronavirus quarantine & future recessions

Steven Ma
The Startup


Photo by Aline Nadai from Pexels

The Coronavirus quarantine has struck everyone pretty hard — corporations, small businesses, nonprofits, and freelancers. Unless you’re lucky enough to be in the right industry for this particular crisis (Zoom), you’re struggling.

Unfortunately, this crisis has also sifted through which businesses were ready for the crisis and which businesses were not. Those that prepared aren’t necessarily thriving — but they’re surviving enough to make it through alive. The ones that weren’t prepared are sadly going to end up shutting down or spend years trying to rebuild.

There will always be a crisis or recession that affects all industries. They are unpredictable and will affect different businesses in unforeseen ways. Though you can’t be completely immune to the impact of these events, you can strengthen your brand to better survive it and thrive when it’s over.

Expand and Deepen Your Online Presence

In any crisis, communication is key. You need to be able to tell your audience what is happening and what they can do in terms of interacting with your brand. That requires you to be on as many platforms as possible so you can reach your audience on all channels.

