How to build a React-Native app with React website and Webview

Amir Nazari
The Startup
Published in
5 min readApr 4, 2020


React-Native with Webview
react-native with webview


In one of my project we have short time to delivered both iOS & Android application and we only developed our website with Reactjs. We think that if we show our website in Webview we can delivered our app so fast and it saves a lot of time for us.

So this trick is good when we have short resources (like time, money, developer & etc ) and for MVP. Though this method doesn’t have bad performance at all. But ofcourse native app is much better.



  1. How to install React-Native, React-Native-Webview and React-Native-Navigation
  2. Configure Webview
  3. How to pass token to Webview for authentication
  4. How to send and receive messages to Webview and vice versa

How to install React-Native, React-Native-Webview and React-Native-Navigation:

Getting started:

  1. First of all we need to install and init react-native. With the…

