How to Build a Sustainable Routine That Works for You and Your Goals

Go from feeling over-worked and drained to happy and fulfilled whilst reaching your goals.

Dayana Sabatin
The Startup


Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

When I first started exercising, the #1 thing my personal trainer taught me was to figure out how to make it sustainable.

Meaning, what can I do to make this something I can do daily, without fail and without it controlling my life?

I’m a major foodie, so eating bland chicken and steamed broccoli wasn’t an option. Or, it was, but it wasn’t a sustainable option. I’m also someone who enjoys exercising and hitting up the gym, but I also love living — and forcing my life to revolve around the gym wasn’t sustainable either.

I used to watch fitness YouTube influencers that would go out to eat with their friends, and they’d pull out their Tupperware of steamed broccoli and soggy chicken while their friends enjoyed a delicious burger, and my heart literally ached for them.

So instead, I focused on creating a lifestyle for myself that incorporated exercise and healthy eating in a way that allowed me to still live in a way that didn’t make me feel like I was giving up my favorite things all the time.



Dayana Sabatin
The Startup

I write about wellness, self-improvement, and dating. Published in Business Insider.