How to Build the Foundation for a Successful Career

This is your blueprint for getting ahead.

Christopher D. Connors
The Startup


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

One of the most famous doctors in American history found his calling by looking within and understanding his purpose. He was born in Huddersfield, England — the son of Indian immigrants — and moved to the United States when he was three-years-old. He was raised observing the caring, nurturing ways of his parents, who were both medical professionals.

He admired so greatly what they did to help other people, he knew inside that was precisely what he wanted to do. He attended Harvard University for his undergraduate degree and went on to earn his MD and MBA from Yale University. He later went on to found and run several nonprofit organizations, and continued serving patients.

Dr. Vivek Murthy’s passion was always about helping other people. Once he became the Surgeon General of the United States, he became the nation’s top doctor and started to champion emotional well being. His desire to help was always at the center of what he did. It was his purpose. This purpose is the biggest key to building a successful career.

We all have the power to find and use this to our advantage.

We all have different obligations and we’re all blessed with different talents. We all mature and grow in our…

