How to Change Your Life in 21 Days: Top Five Tips for Increased Productivity

How to establish better habits for a better life

Renée Kapuku
The Startup


@carlheyerdahl on Unsplash:

Oh no, not another self-help article!

Alas my friends, we beckon at this altar of bettering the self once again. It’s incredible that sometimes, certain messages we receive over and over again just need reinstating. Sometimes it simply isn’t enough to hear or read it once. You need to internalise, live and breathe change before you truly accept and embody it.

This rings true for me. I find it funny that I can open up Medium or another social media site, and a particular article or blog will either remind or spark something in me that I’ve been lacking in most recently. I hope that this post does the same for you — that you are sparked, or at least propelled further on your journey to bettering yourself mentally, emotionally and psychologically.

How do I make myself better?

The thought plagues me at least once a day, if not a few times a week. The past few weeks have been incredibly draining for me. I moved to London from the United States, I started a new job, I started a new enterprise, and decided to pick up a few new hobbies. Overload is probably a tame word to describe it. I think a better phrase is baptism by fire. I’ve just…



Renée Kapuku
The Startup

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