How to Compete against Tech Goliaths like Apple, Google, and Microsoft

The big tech companies aren’t invincible.

Amir Salihefendic
The Startup


The tech giants — Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook — have advantages that they don’t hesitate to wield against competitors. That doesn’t mean they’re invincible. In fact, they’re more vulnerable than we think.

  • Zoom built a $50 billion+ company in the video conferencing market where tech heavyweights have operated for years.
  • Spotify built a $50 billion+ company and became a market leader in music streaming as they competed head-on against Apple and Google.
  • Dropbox built a $10 billion company even as Apple and Microsoft preinstall their solutions on their operating systems and Google offers massive amounts of storage for free.
  • Shopify built a $100 billion+ company in an e-commerce market dominated by Amazon.

Apart from the multi-billion dollar companies, there are smaller, high-growth companies that compete directly with big tech: Zapier (no-code automation), Superhuman (email client), Figma (design collaboration), Notion (note-taking/team wiki software), just to name a few. These companies do tens to hundreds of millions of dollars in annual revenue and employ thousands of people.



Amir Salihefendic
The Startup

Remote-first CEO of @Doist, the company behind @Todoist and @TwistAppTeam. Born in Bosnia, grew up in Denmark and now living in Barcelona. New dad.