How to Create a Culture of Innovation in a Startup

5 quick tips that any Startup can adopt to improve creativity

Paul Myers MBA
The Startup


Person wearing one Red and one Yellow sports shoes — Innovation in a Startup by Pau Myers
Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash

Innovation is vital for any business. So it’s important to focus your energies on creating a culture for innovation.

“Innovative cultures start with a philosophy and a tone.” (Ishak, 2017)

Most companies don’t invest enough time, energy or resources to create a culture of innovation. So for Startups, this is an opportunity.

Here are 5 tips to motivate innovation.

Tip #1 — Workspace

People need to be able to work at their best to generate innovative ideas. Traditional offices can be stifling. So invite feedback and involve your employees as to how their workspace can be improved to facilitate a more engaging and creative environment.

For instance, cubicles tend to be constrained, too structured, prison-like even. They also create physical barriers between those who like to bounce ideas off of each other.

The solution is evident in some offices today with group meeting spaces scattered throughout buildings. These spaces facilitate people who need to collaborate. So talk to your employees to assess their preferences and…



Paul Myers MBA
The Startup

Top writer in Business, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Startups & Innovation. Interested in all things E-commerce and more ---