How to Create a Dashboard to Dominate the Stock Market Using Python and Dash
Free Options Order Flow, Prices, Fundamentals, Chatter all in one
Keep Your Eyes on the Big Picture
I’ve been fascinated with the stock market since I was a little kid. There is certainly no shortage of data to analyze, and if you find an edge you can make some easy money. To stay on top of the market, I designed a dashboard that incorporates interesting option market order flow, price charts, chatter and fundamentals. Having it all in one place makes it easy to monitor market sentiment and find potential plays! In this article, I’ll describe the components of the dashboard and explain how I created it using Python and Plotly’s Dash.
Reviewing the Dashboard
Sourcing the Data
Reviewing Dash Framework
Designing the File Structure
Creating the Function Files
Adding Callbacks
Final Thoughts and Complete Code
The full code and GitHub link are toward the bottom of the page if you’re already familiar with Dash.