How to create a simple login form in Flutter™ using BLoC pattern

KNNX Corp.
The Startup
Published in
7 min readNov 11, 2019


As a mobile developer for DLT Labs™, for the last couple of months I have been exploring and building solutions using Flutter™. This is an SDK that allows apps to be created for multiple platforms, including mobile, from a single codebase.

Trust me, I have been ecstatic coding in Flutter from the very beginning. One can even create a whole application in a single file in Flutter! However, I would not recommend it.

The beauty of a project lies in the architecture of the application. When you granularize the project in logical parts with each one as significant as another, not only does it help in maintaining the project but also helps in understanding the project better.

Out of the architecture design patterns available for Flutter, one can choose from Vanilla, Scoped Model and BLoC, which are the three most popular.

I prefer BLoC because it is reactive. It separates business logic, state management and UI logic. It is also recommended by the Google Developer Community.

In this post, I’d like to help mobile developers who haven’t tried Flutter to experience this framework for themselves. So, let’s try creating a simple Flutter App…



KNNX Corp.
The Startup

KNNX is a global leader in Distributed Ledger Technology and Enterprise Products. To learn more, head over to: