How to create an inspiring vision and mission for your life’s work

Imogen Roy
The Startup
Published in
4 min readSep 22, 2019


Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash

If someone stopped you in the street and asked: “What’s your vision for your life’s work?”, what would you say?

A past version of me would have been absolutely stumped by that question; would have laughed. But when I started working as a brand strategist for entrepreneurs, everything changed.

I like to say that brand strategy was my gateway drug to the world of personal development. When I first started bringing industry frameworks like The Golden Circle from Simon Sinek’s book Start with Why into my workshops, I was deeply moved by the powerful clarity and transformative energy they provoked in my clients.

But after a while I found myself thinking: if these tools are so powerful for business, why on earth aren’t we using them in our lives as individuals? Why do we feel comfortable investing time and money to define visions and values for companies, yet most of us don’t know our own vision and values for life?

I want to change this. Starting with you.

Why have a vision?

We all have dreams and desires for our lives. But between dreams and desires and reality is vision.

Having a vision and mission for your life and/or business, no matter how small, can provide…



Imogen Roy
The Startup

Business Mentor and Leadership Coach based in France. | @imogenroy