How to Create High-Performing Teams

John Gruber
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJul 4, 2019


Photo by Jozsef Szoke

The best players don’t thrive in the wrong team. High-performing teams can make average players great. But the opposite is also true. One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch.

Busy times, slow times and challenges are always around the corner. Weak teams become crushed by the smallest amount of tribulation. Mediocre teams survive it, but the highest performing teams thrive and grow.

High-performing teams lay their foundation on a great culture. The culture lays the groundwork to becoming a high-performing team. Having a poor culture in your team is like building a house on sand. Eventually, the rain and wind will come and it won’t matter how great the house, how sturdy its walls, the sand will be washed away and the house will crumble.

While creating a “great culture” is discussed everywhere it typically comes up short in practice. Everyone falls back to their old ways. The first bump in the road caused everyone to panic and go back to the old, safe way of doing things. Changing the culture doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to be time-consuming and resource intensive. As a matter of fact, it’s the complete opposite. A great culture is about leadership getting out of the way so smart employees can do a great job.

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John Gruber
The Startup

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