How To Create Offers People Feel Stupid Saying “No” To

Learn how to build $100M offers in less than 10 minutes!

Amine Khaoui
The Startup


Photo by Pier Francesco Grizi on Unsplash

Creating a great offer can make or break your business.

One of the biggest mistakes I see many businesses make is creating an offer that’s focused on the service itself instead of the client’s desired outcome.

Here’s the thing: Clients don’t care if you’re going to do Facebook ads or write great articles for them. They care about the outcome and the value they get from paying you money.

The higher the value, the more they’re willing to pay you.

That’s the difference between a $50 logo and a $5000 logo. The client believes he will get more value in the long term from the second logo than the first one. Therefore, he’s willing to pay 100x more to the 2nd designer than the 1st designer even if the 1st designer has more experience!


That’s the power of offers. And this article will teach you exactly how to do that.

I learned these tactics from Alex Hormozi, the founder of Acquisition. I really recommend you take his course. It’s 100% free.

So without further ado, let’s dive deeper into the power of offers.

The Power Of Offers

