How to Create the World’s First Mainstream DApp

Remove the high barrier for entry

Alex Roan
The Startup


Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Despite the promise of decentralised applications, user experience is still not ready for mass adoption. There are plenty of projects aiming to improve this. Next-generation wallets, aimed at competing with Metamask, are working to hide the plumbing of Web3 injection. Some prime examples are Torus, Fortmatic, Portis, Unilogin and Authereum. However, in my opinion, none go far enough.

Hiding the Plumbing

My main gripe is one I’ve had since I initiated myself with DApps several years ago. As a user, every time I want to send a transaction on the Blockchain, I’m prompted with an ugly popup asking me to confirm, warning me of the cost, and scaring me away. As someone who’s been initiated in the space for a few years now, this isn’t as big a deal for me. But back then it was, and it still exists. I know for a fact that newcomers in the space are met with the same scary popups every time they try to do something. It’s offputting and is the main reason why the bounce-rate on DApps is so high.

Figure 1: Metamask transaction confirmation.



Alex Roan
The Startup

CoFounder at Cyfrin. Previously: Chainlink Labs.