How to Deal with a Freelancing Slump

Say no to panic and yes to action

Alice Genes
The Startup


Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash

It happens to the best of us. Whether you are a seasoned freelancer or a beginner, you’re going to go through a slump eventually.

How you deal with it can make or break your business, so here are some tips on dealing with a freelancing slump that will get you to the other side.

The first thing most freelancers do when they notice their stable clients drift away is panic. And that’s understandable.

One week you’re overbooked and the next one you’re checking your email three times a minute in the hope someone needs some work done, preferably at a rate that covers this month’s rent.

But it generally doesn’t work like that. To get out of a freelancing slump, you need to work hard and branch out as much as possible.

There’s no better time to start pitching new clients than those days you don’t have much to do and your bank account is giving you dirty looks.

Nothing works better as an incentive to find new clients than a quick look at your outstanding bills.

Start spreading your wings

Even if you have savings (which you should absolutely have a freelance because of the whole feast or famine cycle), it’s…



Alice Genes
The Startup

Freelance copywriter and editor. I write about freelancing, digital marketing, and personal development. Visit me at