How To Deal With The Temptation Of Checking Out

Because it's summer and the urge gets pretty intense.

Shannon Ashley
The Startup


I've got a long history of checking out of various things. High school, college, most jobs... I just get to a point where I don't want to be there anymore. It's not as if I actually check out and leave, but I do tend to check out and produce less than stellar work.

Call it spring fever, senioritis, or whatever. I've had it, and I'm betting that you've had it too. Maybe you're dealing with it this summer.

It's not like I'd blame you. I've been out of high school for practically 20 years and I'm still terribly nostalgic for the pure freedom of summer vacation.

But let's be honest, if you're the kind of person who battles the urge to check out with this change of season, it may not be limited to the summer months at all.

There's also every other holiday that comes up over the year. Not to mention whatever random thing is happening in your personal life at any given moment. I've been in relationships that led to me checking out of everything else in my life.

There is always a reason to check out of work, school, or any other serious endeavor. But if your urge goes uncurbed, you could have a real problem.

Burnout is real.



Shannon Ashley
The Startup

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 📧