How to deploy an application to AWS using Docker, ECS, and ECR

Step-by-step guide on how to set up and deploy to AWS in no time

Calvin Nguyen
The Startup


Author’s Note

Greeting readers,

This article is part of “I Grow with Startups” series, which consists of a variety of Tech tutorials, news, and tips for software development:

  1. Build a Well Structured 3-tier Architecture with Node.js (Part 1) — ES6
  2. 2 Simple Tips to Increase Your Team Code Quality
  3. The Perfect Structure to Authenticate & Authorize Your API with Node.js
  4. I built a M.E.R.N codebase in an hour (Part 2)
  5. How to build REST APIs with Java & MySQL using Tomcat
  6. Build your own Mailing API using Nodemailer, Gmail & Google OAuth2
  7. WebRTC — The technology that powers Google Meet, Facebook Messenger
  8. Say Hello to the new Github CLIs
  9. Easy Setup with Java, Springboot, Kafka
  10. What it takes to have a successful team cooperation
  11. How to deploy an application to AWS using Docker, ECS, and ECR
  12. We save 45% of the total cost by hosting our client to Cloud Storage

Thanks for visiting this series, and enjoy reading!



Calvin Nguyen
The Startup

Engineer @Google I write code, blog, and travel !