How To Design Applications For Cloud (SaaS)

Nitin Patil
The Startup
Published in
9 min readNov 6, 2019


How To Design Applications For Cloud (SaaS)

Software as a Service (SaaS) has been a predominant model for many software vendors. It helps similarly delivering software as a Cloud vendor delivers infrastructure services. SaaS applications are often deployed on a public cloud, like Amazon Cloud (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud and so on. However, at times the organization may choose to use their datacenter (a.k.a. private cloud) to host the SaaS application and leverage their investment in the infrastructure. When you are designing SaaS applications, it takes more than just deploying application bits to the Cloud. Taking proper design considerations can not only help you in accomplishing a good design, but it can also help you in reducing costs and manage your deployment more effectively. In this post, I will cover some key considerations and tips to design SaaS applications that I have found useful over the years.

How Is Designing Applications For Cloud Different From On-premise Applications Design?

That’s a valid question that many Architects face, especially in the early phases. There are certain subtle differences. Let’s look at some of these just to get the perspective.

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Nitin Patil
The Startup

Nitin Patil is a filmmaker at and technopreneur at He is also a writer and motivational blogger at