How To Enhance Your Motivation and Content by Making Effort Every Day

4 simple tricks to create an addictive behavioral loop.

Cosmin Angheluta
The Startup


Cover photo for How To Enhance Your Motivation
Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

There might be an underrated chain of events in the self-improvement field that could impact our lives more than we even imagine:

Effort → Performance → Pleasure → Motivation

Every time you make a planned effort, you increase your performance in some direction. More performance means better achievements, which gives you more pleasure. And the satisfaction and pride enhance your motivation.

However, it all starts with effort. And it is often challenging to make it willingly without a motivational backup. Therefore, you need to close the chain into a loop that uses it to enhance motivation and the other way around.

But how do you close the cycle?

Why does the chain trigger unsustainable efforts?

Why do you do everything you do?

Why do you put in the effort and make things happen?

You do it because you want to achieve a goal. You are in the right mindset, place, and time to see struggling as a necessary step. So instead of achieving something because you worked on it, you work…



Cosmin Angheluta
The Startup

I build weekly challenges, ideas, Notion templates, and tracking infographics to become the best version of yourself @