How to Find a Target Market for Startups Who Haven’t Figured It Out Yet

Batuhan Apaydin
The Startup
Published in
10 min readJul 20, 2020


You’ve been dreaming about this for a long time.

You packed your books, swimwear, sunglasses and your favourite things to wear on a sunny vacation. You also packed some yummy food for the road as you know you easily get angry when you’re hungry.

Did you get everything you need? Your phone charger, ID, medicine, some cash…

You start the car. You put on some music that elevates your mood and gets you ready for the trip.

Oh, this will be fun.

You’ve been dreaming about this trip.


It takes only two hours after hitting the road that you actually don’t know where you’re going.

You just know that you want a sunny vacation. You just know that you’ll need swimwear, books and other necessary items.

Where are you really going, though? What’s your target destination?

I’m talking to you, my dear startup founder with that amazing business idea.

Who’s your target market?

Most startups have the same challenge.

First, founders see a problem to be solved or a need to be satisfied. Then, they find that amazing idea for that problem…



Batuhan Apaydin
The Startup

A product & marketing professional from San Francisco.