How to Find Motivation in the Small Things

Danielle Leigh Elen
6 min readDec 26, 2020


Motivation is something we all desire, though few of us can get motivated and stay motivated, especially when life throws us some setbacks. Many people have a difficult time finding the motivation to get things done. The biggest misconception is that motivation will simply fall from the sky and everything will be swell. Unfortunately, that’s not how the world works. You need to be proactive!

Others wait for something “big” to happen so they will suddenly have the motivation they need to complete a task or push through a tough time. When this doesn’t happen, they lose their focus and fall off the task quickly. Instead of waiting for something to come to you, why not create your own motivation? You can… and it’s easier than you think!

How Can You Find the Small Things to Motivate You?

Recall the initial thoughts and purpose for what you are trying to achieve. Create a plan that helps you get to where you want to go. The more interested you are in your purpose, the more likely you will succeed. The first thing you need is an environment that is conducive to healthy motivation.

What does this mean? Well, it means that you need a clutter-free workspace, a comfortable chair at your desk, and a computer monitor at a comfortable height. Ergonomics is very important when designing the area where you will be working. These little things can zap you of your motivation in a real hurry. After all, how can you be motivated if you have a sore neck and back all the time? You’ll be too busy worrying about carpal tunnel or back spasms than anything else!

Ask yourself honestly: “How much would my attitude change if I worked in a place that I actually liked to spend time in?”

The moment you work in an environment that is congruent with your needs, you’ll nearly instantly find the motivation to get started and follow through.

Uncover and Learn Your Personal Motivation Factors

Everyone has different motivational factors so what works for your colleagues may not work for you. Instead, determine the unique things that excite and motivate you. Perhaps you can reward yourself with your favorite snack after completing an important task, or maybe you can have a friendly competition with your colleagues. Whatever it is, give yourself something to work towards!

Keep a physical reminder of your goal nearby. Whether in your workspace or at home, make sure you have a constant visual reminder of the happiness you will attain. Check out my post on how to turn your dreams and goals into reality.

You’ll find more motivation by sprinkling mini-rewards throughout your day for each little task you check off your to-do list. When you keep your motivational factors simple, you’ll keep the pressure off and get more done in less time.

Keeping Your Motivation Once You’ve Found Your Flow

Do you ever look at your “to-do” list and wonder how you are going to get it all done? Are you having more and more workdays wasted because you lack the motivation to get anything done?

Many people have a hard time finding motivation, especially if they have to tackle tasks that they don’t particularly enjoy. But you can stockpile your motivation to keep you going so you can get through your to-do list faster than ever!

The problem with motivation is that you are either motivated or not; there isn’t much of a middle ground. All hope is not lost, even if you feel like motivation is something that has long since been missing in your life. Focus on your loved ones. The purpose of becoming more productive is to provide for your family and spend more quality time with them. Let this serve as a reminder as you work.

The first thing you need to do to get motivated is to find someone who has the motivational qualities you desire for yourself. It could be a family member, friend, colleague, or someone special in your life. Model yourself after this individual and consider chatting with them about their passion and motivation. When you talk to this person, tell him or her that you’d love to learn their motivation secrets. You may find that having this conversation with your role model will help to inspire you into action. Remind yourself of the feeling you get after you complete a task. It feels good, doesn’t it? Hold onto that positive feeling!

Some Thoughts on Motivating Others

How do you inspire and motivate others to achieve greater goals? There are a few simple techniques that successful team leaders and managers can use that just as easily apply to your friends, and family.

Give positive reinforcement. Encourage others by pointing out the positive. For example, comment on a past success or appreciate the good work they’ve been able to accomplish so far. Ask how you can help. Whether you are a boss or a friend, you can boost the motivation of others by taking an interest in their needs and offering your help.

Be constructive, not critical. Even if you think others are having a tough time coping, instead of chastising them, show them what to do differently next time and how they can improve.

Know When You Need a Break To Refresh

Relaxation can also help you get moving, as strange as it may seem! Many people find that creativity and inspiration go out the window when they are stressed out or under immense pressure. This is also true if you are lacking sleep or are working long hours without a break.

Take a mental vacation if you find that high amounts of stress are zapping you of your motivation. Go shopping for a couple of hours, read a book, go for a nature walk, or call a friend. Taking a break may seem like the wrong thing to do, but your motivation will likely come back when the pressure is gone. De-stress with your favorite activity or hobby when you find yourself overcome with worry. It may be reading a good book, playing some music (I love guided meditations, and Hemi-Sync offers some incredible journeys), or going out for a night with friends. Make sure to get enough sleep per night.

When you are lacking motivation, you may find that you may simply need to clean house. This may involve cleaning your desk or completely clearing your mind of negative thoughts. Some people thrive in chaos, but most of us work better when our minds and our spaces are free of clutter. Relax for a few hours, clean off your desk, and come back to the task at hand. You just might find your motivation there, waiting for you!

Use the Power of Affirmation

Motivational affirmations are another great way to get motivated when you need it the most. A positive statement such as, “I am my own intrinsic motivator,” or, “I use my energy to live my life to the fullest” just might be the spark that you need to find inspiration.

There are times when it can be difficult to know what affirmations are best to use in any given moment. Drumming helps me do this. It brings me calm, and helps me to entrain my thoughts to higher consciousness. Drumming can decrease stress, induce deep relaxation, help control chronic pain, help you release negative feelings, ground you in the moment, and boost your immunity. I took an online course with Christine Stevens ( called Awaken Your Rhythm) and loved it!

The positive affirmations you use will reprogram your mind in a positive way. Doing so will help you find motivation in times of self-doubt or procrastination. Remember that everything you do has meaning. It may seem difficult to see the big picture sometimes, but every experience and every task is part of the puzzle. Give it a good old-fashioned try; you just might be surprised by the results!

Originally published at on December 26, 2020.



Danielle Leigh Elen

Writer, Blogger, Somatic Therapist & Intuitive Consultant. Mama of three, wife of one. Metis woman on a mission.,