How to Find the Perfect Mentor to Help Improve Your Writing Skills

A 3-step guide to get a writing mentor right now

Cosmin Angheluta
The Startup


A mentor helping her pupil to improve her writing skills
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

If you want to become a successful writer, writing is not enough — you need many more skills to achieve success. But gaining expertise in a market like this is complicated. You need to learn how to write, how to keep your reader’s attention, how to catch the editor’s attention, proofread, pitch ideas, make SEO, and so on. So if you want to learn to write faster, you need to find the perfect mentor to guide you and help improve your writing skills.

Why do you need a mentor?

Depending on your starting level and your learning path, mentors can bring you different benefits.

If you are just getting started, a mentor can help you find the pitch of your writing voice, recognize your flaws, your strong points, and provide you with your first clients.

Mentors can become teachers, allies, or even clients if you show your worth. And by standing by their side, you can have a clue of how their job works and what you should do to become as successful as them. They can share their experiences, values, life lessons, and the tricks that kept them on the top of their game.



Cosmin Angheluta
The Startup

I build weekly challenges, ideas, Notion templates, and tracking infographics to become the best version of yourself @