How to Focus on Just One Task to Increase Productivity

Toni Koraza
The Startup
Published in
5 min readMar 8, 2019


Multitasking is not your superpower

I can imagine PA(Productivity anonymous) meetings where others are being forced to sit through my rant about how I haven’t accomplished nearly enough today. I mean, I did succeed to work enough not to get fired and put food on my table, but that was not what I had in mind last night before I went to sleep when I thought about all the possibilities of immediate success and hard work.

If you’re anything like me, you might be an avid multitasker.

If you’re anything like me, you might even be proud of your hop-from-task-to-task-before-I-finish mentality.

Hell, you could even text, drive, listen to the Tim Ferris podcast and think about the excuses you’re going to serve your boss for being late.

I know I could.

You might think you’re going to accomplish much more with such work ethic, and somehow, almost every day, you end up being disappointed before the evening.

Maybe you’re not good enough? And perhaps you don’t have what it takes to achieve your big-hairy-ass-goals?

I remember reading an article, way back, discussing the abilities of high achievers and big-name celebrities.



Toni Koraza
The Startup

The content guy — I help SaaS companies reach $100M ARR through product-led SEO. Founder at