How to Gain a Positively Unfair Advantage In Your Career

You could spend 6 years figuring it out like me or read this

Ryan Porter
The Startup


Images courtesy of the author

​I was a broke college grad in 2017.

Now I manage an 8-Figure media team across 3 brands.

  • I earn enough to support myself
  • I’m flown out to big cities
  • I’m good at what I do

These three things gave me a positively unfair advantage over my peers.

1. I hated myself, so I leaned on motivation

I was jobless.

My DMs were dry. And I lived with my parents while my peers began their careers and lived in nice apartments.

I was beyond jealous of them and I despised myself for not taking college more seriously.

So I had two options:

  1. Blame the world for my situation
  2. Or take accountability for my life

Option 2 was the only way out. So I focused on that which I could control:

  • Relationships with family and friends
  • Basic habits: sleep, hygiene, mental
  • Hitting the gym to look & feel good



Ryan Porter
The Startup

I manage an $8-figure media team across 3 brands — I’ll help you make videos so you can grow yours. Join 500+ creators