How to Generate a Disproportionate Stratified Random Assignment in R
I was recently working on the design and implementation of a two-armed Randomized Control Trial . Because this study had been proven in other contexts, the study team decided to maximize the benefit of the intervention by reducing the size of the control group (12.5%), distributing the majority of the sample to the proven intervention group (T1 — 50%) and allocating the rest of the sample to the unproven intervention group (T2 — 37.5%). The team also chose to stratify the sample by gender and age of the children involved to ensure equal allocation of these particular subgroups to control, treatment 1 and treatment 2. I found that the best way to conduct this type of assignment was with a combination of the randomizr and experiment packages. I’ll walk you through my process below.
I generated a sample file of only the age and gender of those included in the trial. The intervention targeted children ages 3 -5 years old. The sample data can be found on github here.
#install these packages
library(experiment) #set your working directory
setwd("C:/Users/Jonfa/OneDrive/Documents/R/projects/random assignment/data") #read in the data sample <- read_excel("Tips_Groups_sample.xlsx")
The data contains 3511 observations of children of both genders ages 3 -5. The gender proportions are roughly the same, but there are a much larger proportion of five-year-olds than of three and four-year-olds. Because this was administrative data and we did not have access to any other data that represented the population, we assumed these proportions were representative of the particular population with which we were working.
Random Assignment
Given the importance of random assignment and randomization in experimental design, I decided to first generate a test table of what a random disproportionate stratified assignment should look like. I used the randomizr package for this, as I found it to be the most functional package for this purpose:
#set your seed for reproducibility
set.seed(241990) #assign strata strata <- with(sample, paste(sample$child_age, sample$child_gender, sep = "_")) #generate proportional (prob_each) groups (conditions) by strata (blocks)
#note - prob_each should follow the same order as the conditions in order to generate desired proportions test_groups <- block_ra(blocks = strata, conditions = c("C", "T1", "T2"), prob_each = c(.125, .5, .375)) #display table test_table <- table(strata, test_groups) kable(test_table)%>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F, position = "center")
I wanted the actual table to look similar to the table above with regard to the proportions of strata in each of the three groups. So, to randomly assign each observation into groups randomly on the basis of my desired proportions and strata, I used the the experiment package’s randomize function:
randomize <- randomize(sample, group = c("C", "T1", "T2"), ratio = c(.125, .5, .375), indx = NULL, block = c("child_gender", "child_age"), n.block = NULL, match = NULL, complete = TRUE) group <- randomize[["treatment"]] sample_groups <- sample %>% mutate(group = group) strata_table <- table(strata, sample_groups$group) kable(strata_table) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F, position = "center")
Unlike the test generated with the randomizr package, which produced only a table, I used the experiment package to create a new dataset with an added “group” column. The second table shows the proportion of strata assigned to each group, which is very similar to the test table created with the randomizr package, thus validating the operation. Furthermore, a quick check of the percent distribution of groups showed that our operation was successful in generating our desired proportions within each group.
perc <- sample_groups %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarize(total = n()) %>%
arrange(desc(total)) %>%
mutate(total_perc = paste0(round(per_total = total/sum(total)*100), "%")) kable(perc) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F, position = "center")
The last check was to test if these groups were balanced. For gender, I dichotomized the data and ran t-tests between control and treatment 1, control and treatment 2, and treatment 1 and 2 to assess whether or not there was balance between each of these groups. Note that you can also run a chi-squared test as well to check whether the proportion of men and women is approximately the same in both groups. Because our p values are well above .05, we can conclude that randomization has succeeded in generating balance between these groups.
gender_test <- sample_groups %>%
mutate(child_gender = ifelse(child_gender == "M", 0, 1)) # Control vs T1
gender_test1 <- gender_test %>%
filter(group != "T2") gender_test1 <- t.test(gender_test1$child_gender ~ gender_test1$group, var.equal = TRUE) # T1 vs T2
gender_test2 <- gender_test %>%
filter(group != "T1") gender_test2 <- t.test(gender_test2$child_gender ~ gender_test2$group, var.equal = TRUE) # Control vs T2
gender_test3 <- gender_test %>%
filter(group != "C") gender_test3 <- t.test(gender_test3$child_gender ~ gender_test3$group, var.equal = TRUE) # Create a table to display p-values gt <- tibble(
`Variable` = c("Gender"),
`C vs T1` = "",
`T1 vs T2` = "",
`C vs T2` = "" )gt$`C vs T1` <- round(as.numeric(gender_test1$p.value), 2)
gt$`T1 vs T2` <- round(as.numeric(gender_test2$p.value), 2)
gt$`C vs T2` <- round(as.numeric(gender_test3$p.value), 2) gt$`C vs T1` = cell_spec(gt$`C vs T1`, color = ifelse(gt$`C vs T1` <= 0.1 , "red", "blue"), align = "c") gt$`C vs T2` = cell_spec(gt$`C vs T2`, color = ifelse(gt$`C vs T2` <= 0.1 , "red", "blue"), align = "c") gt$`T1 vs T2` = cell_spec(gt$`T1 vs T2`, color = ifelse(gt$`T1 vs T2` <= 0.1 , "red", "blue"), align = "c") gt$`Variable` = cell_spec(gt$`Variable`, align = "c") kable(gt
, caption = "<center><strong>Balance Test P-Values: Gender</strong></center>",
escape = F,
align = "c") %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped",
full_width = F,
position = "center")
For age, I generated two by two tables between groups and ran chi-squared tests on each. Normally I would use a t-test for age, but because we added parameters to our age group, we treated this data as ordinal. Thus, a non-parametric test like the chi-squared test was more appropriate here. Again, because our p-values are well above .05, we can conclude that randomization has succeeded in generating balance between these groups.
sample_groups$child_age <- as.factor(sample_groups$child_age) # Control vs T1
age_test1 <- sample_groups %>%
filter(group != "T2") age_test1 <- chisq.test(table(age_test1$child_age, age_test1$group))# T1 vs T2
age_test2 <- sample_groups %>%
filter(group != "T1") age_test2 <- chisq.test(table(age_test2$child_age, age_test2$group)) # Control vs T2
age_test3 <- sample_groups %>%
filter(group != "C") age_test3 <- chisq.test(table(age_test3$child_age, age_test3$group)) # Create a table to display p-values at <- tibble(
`Variable` = c("Age"),
`C vs T1` = "",
`T1 vs T2` = "",
`C vs T2` = "" ) at$`C vs T1` <- round(as.numeric(age_test1$p.value), 2)
at$`T1 vs T2` <- round(as.numeric(age_test2$p.value), 2)
at$`C vs T2` <- round(as.numeric(age_test3$p.value), 2) at$`C vs T1` = cell_spec(at$`C vs T1`, color = ifelse(at$`C vs T1` <= 0.1 , "red", "blue"), align = "c") at$`C vs T2` = cell_spec(at$`C vs T2`, color = ifelse(at$`C vs T2` <= 0.1 , "red", "blue"), align = "c") at$`T1 vs T2` = cell_spec(at$`T1 vs T2`, color = ifelse(at$`T1 vs T2` <= 0.1 , "red", "blue"), align = "c") at$`Variable` = cell_spec(at$`Variable`, align = "c") kable(at,
caption = "<center><strong>Balance Test P-Values: Age</strong></center>",
escape = F,
align = "c") %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped",
full_width = F,
position = "center")
I should mention here that balance tests can be a bit controversial. For more information on this I would recommend reading Jan Vanhoves post on “Silly significance tests” here.
Originally published at