Get hired at Uber, Google, Amazon, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Facebook, etc.

Tips on the process, preparation, books to read, how the process works, algorithms, and how to pass the interviews.

Chris Laffra
11 min readJan 7, 2020
My Brompton bike at Google Mountain View

In this article I am sharing some experiences and resources for preparing for technical interviews for an engineering role at a large tech company. The tips in this article are based on my own experience interviewing at tech companies such as Uber and Google as both a candidate and an interviewer. For general tips on communicating better as an engineer, check out my recent book, C4E, also available here at Medium.

Each tech company has a slightly different process. However, most of the tips you find below, apply to most companies in both Tech and Finance. They will help you prepare for your upcoming interviews, regardless of where you interview. The focus here is on technical interviews, but some of the tips may also be of use to candidates applying to non-technical positions.

This article contains my tips and opinions and does not necessarily represent the views of Google, Uber, or other companies I work(ed) at.

General Preparation



Chris Laffra

{ country: “Holland”, mission: “Make other engineers impactful”, jobs: [“IBM”, “MS”, “BAML”, “GOOG”, “UBER”, “JPMC”], site: “” }