Get Paid What You Deserve as a Writer

The Startup
Published in
5 min readNov 17, 2019


Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the median pay for writers is $29.89 per hour, which equates to $62,170 per year if you work full time. If you read those statistics and muttered something like, “There’s no way!” or “What writer actually earns that much?!,” you’re in the right place. Many writers earn enough money to support their families, pursue hobbies, and even schedule laptop-free time for vacations. You can become one of these writers if you work hard and have plenty of baskets for your eggs.

I know, I know…I just referenced the overused phrase about not putting all your eggs in one basket. Writers constantly receive unsolicited advice about finding more eggs, but telling people to find more work doesn’t really help them find more work. Let’s be honest: Many writers — myself included — hoard job leads, and it makes it difficult for others to find paying gigs.

But I want you to get paid what you deserve, whether you feel you deserve $12 an hour or $300 per article. I want your life to revolve around the things you love rather than the crack-of-dawn article drops at a mill that doesn’t appreciate you or the constant emails from a needy client who expects flawless, well-researched copy for minimum wage. You are an intelligent, creative storyteller, and there are plenty of clients who need the skills you possess. I have faith that you can — and…



The Startup

Working through my trauma one story at a time. Thanks for joining me on my journey.