How to Get Things Done by Procrastinating

For those who always seem to procrastinate from an overload of tasks and projects

Lenka Otap
The Startup


Getting things done by procrastinating might seem like an oxymoron, but I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t always have to be. It really depends on what you procrastinate with doing.

Art of procrastination

Staring at that blank page you need to fill with a story or some other important information, you remember that you need to check your mail for important messages.

While you check it, you realize that you should probably clean your mailbox.

You find an older mail with links to interesting articles, that you should probably check out, before deleting it.

While reading the article you realize that you should be working on your project, so you click away, but then the coffee in your cup is cold and you need a refill and then you will be ready to do some serious work. Now is the time!

You go out to the kitchen to get new coffee — maybe also a snack? Nothing in the fridge seems to match your needs, but you open and close it a few times just to be sure.

Repeat with facebook, twitter, Instagram, back to mail and articles, and interesting videos you



Lenka Otap
The Startup

Computer scientist and astrophysicist. Curious about life, the universe, and everything.