How to Get to Your Best Ideas More Quickly

How outlining can help you write outstanding content faster

Florian Fuehren
The Startup


Lots of writers want to learn how to write more or faster. And while those may be admirable and sensible goals, outlining can help you to find the gold nuggets faster and to leave the dusty old bricks behind.

I just planned to write a completely different story which you will never read. I abandoned it faster than a waterdrop jumps off a hotplate. And even though I sometimes wish I could churn the stories out at a faster rate, I am glad that you won’t get to see me on the writer’s pillory.

The story would’ve been too mediocre, too “everyone.” Talk about building up expectations, huh?

If you want to avoid the mistake of blending in just too much and writing stories and blog posts that make you look like a wallflower instead of Superman, here’s a little outline on outlining. Got it? Outline on… Anyway, let’s get to it.

Outlining creates clarity.

This is the most significant advantage that outlining will have on your writing, no matter whether you write a novel, a blog post, or a dissertation.

When you outline your writing in advance, you won’t write yourself into a corner, doomed to sob onto your…



Florian Fuehren
The Startup

I ghostwrite educational email courses for SaaS companies. Recovering tech nerd. RWTH graduate (Ph.D.).